Lead artist: Katja Heitmann
Supported by Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the United Kingdom
Produced by This is not a show in association with Leeds Art Gallery, Yorkshire Dance and LEEDS 2023
A performance-ritual co-devised by choreographer Katja Heitmann and Leeds residents aged 20s to 80s as part of the Motus Mori Institute project (a multi-year, multi-city archive of everyday human movement, collected, preserved and shared before it disappears).
ReadHosted by The Ethics Centre, Sydney (Australia)
Initial research phase into the concept and practice of Starting Well
ReadCo-facilitated and co-edited by Olga Diatel (proto produkciia) and Fanny Martin (Art of Festivals)
Supported by Insha Osvita and CIPA - Creative and Independent Producer Alliance
Launched at the 2024 Under the Radar Symposium
Professional visit to Ukraine produced by Insha Osvita in partnership with the Prague Civil Society Centre
A snapshot of what drives performing arts producers to continue working today in Ukraine, co-created during a study trip to Ukraine in November 2023.
ReadLead artist: Sunny Drake
Supported by Canada Council for the Arts, Toronto Arts Council and Ontario Arts Council
Produced in association with Why Not Theatre and 9 companies around the world
9 audio drama episodes written by playwrights from Canada, Chile, Nigeria, Mauritius, India and Australia to tell stories of the global climate crisis from a local perspective.
ListenProduced for Réseau SPARC Network
Co-designed and co-facilitated with WorkInCulture (CAN)
Designing and delivering an in-person workshop on theories and practices of collaboration at the 2022 SPARC Symposium for rural & remote performing arts practitioners.
ReadSupported by Canada Council for the Arts (Arts Abroad)
In association with IETM
Leading a delegation of diversity champions and equity-focused arts practitioners at the 2022 plenary meeting of IETM (International Network for the Performing Arts) in Belgrade, Serbia, including conference presentations on Relaxed Performance, Artists-Caregivers and Room Agreements.
ReadCommissioned by Ontario Presents
Supported by Canada Council for the Arts (Strategic Innovation)
Community consultation and pilot recommendations to shift creation, production and touring patterns towards deeper, slower and more sustainable practices.
Coming soonBilingual consultation with the Canadian Association for Theatre Research and Société québécoise d’études théâtrales to develop a co-production agreement for their new shared digital venue, TheatreAgora.ca.
ExploreCommissioned by North York Arts (CAN)
In collaboration with Cinematoscape and StoryCentre Canada
Concept & creative production to celebrate Toronto’s jazz scene during lockdown
WatchCommissioned by IETM (International Contemporary Performing Arts Network)
Co-designing and co-facilitating on-site discussion groups on cultural policy, international dialogue and artistic practice
WatchCommissioned by Ambassade de France au Canada
In partnership with the Centre for Digital Media (CAN)
Strategic advice for a digital simulation ('serious game') exploring the skills and strategies needed to manage tomorrow's cultural hubs
PlayProduction advice for Orchestras Canada (CAN)
Experience design for a digital learning series exploring accessibility in the performing arts with disability rights activists and artists
WatchHosted by Mass Culture (CAN)
Phase 1 funded by Canada Council for the Arts
In partnership with CPAMO, Culture/Shift, Stage Left, The Hub UK, Creative People & Places
Iterative process exploring questions of dialogue, boundaries and critical reflection
PlayCommissioned by Orchestras Canada (CAN)
Co-designed with Hill Strategies
Designing and delivering an in-person workshop for orchestral players and managers to foster discussions on organisational and sectoral change based on Hill Strategies’ case studies developed for the “Innovation and Resilience in the Arts, Culture and Heritage” research project.
ReadCommissioned by Northern Jazz Promoters (UK)
Designing and delivering a 2-part interactive workshop on audience growth for jazz promoters in Newcastle, Wakefield, Leeds & Manchester.
ExploreProduced for U-Links Centre for Community-based Research (CAN)
Framework design and hosting for a 2-hour interactive event showcasing student research in partnership with community partners
ReadCommissioned & co-produced by WorkInCulture (CAN)
Designing, programming and producing a digital learning series for 15 festivals across Ontario to enhance their collaborative practices
WatchSupported by Canadian Heritage Department (CAN)
Exploration of merger options between Folk Music Canada & Folk Music Ontario
ReadCommissioned by National Opera Studio (UK)
In partnership with Graham Devlin Associates
Supported by Arts Council England & Help Musicians UK
National study on the changing training needs of opera singers
ReadProduced for Guildhall School of Music & Drama (Principal Investigator: Dr Karen Wise)
Supported by Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK)
Research project exploring learning trajectories with “non-singers” and voice teachers
ReadCommissioned by Marsden Jazz Festival (UK)
Supported by National Lottery Heritage Fund
Participatory creation of digital portraits of people, places & symbols that have been key to the first 25 years of the Marsden Jazz Festival
ExploreCommissioned by Mass Culture (CAN)
Designing a gathering framework to promote research in the arts & culture sector across Canada
ReadCommissioned by Ontario Presents & Réseau SPARC Network (CAN)
Researching advocacy strategies for a network of rural performing arts presenters
ReadProduced for Mass Culture (CAN)
In collaboration with The Experience Business (UK), LeSage Arts Management, Association for Opera in Canada and CAPACOA (CAN)
Interactive online sessions with Canadian arts professionals to disseminate research on the Future of Work, Civic Impact Frameworks and Linked Data
ReadCommissioned by Rails End Gallery (CAN)
Imagining the future of the 50-year-old Haliburton Art & Craft Festival during lockdown
ExploreCommissioned by Ontario Presents (CAN)
Programming & creative production for a series of digital sessions supporting 15 community-engaged arts projects across rural Ontario
ReadSupported by Canada Council for the Arts (CAN)
Peer learning programme co-designed and co-led by 5 independent producers from 5 different countries
ExploreProduced for Sunny Drake in partnership with National Arts Centre, Soulpepper and Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts (CAN)
Concept, campaign and production to launch Sunny Drake’s digital reinvention of his play CHILD-ish
WatchProduced for Ontario Culture Days (CAN)
Experience design and production for a 2-day arts, heritage & tourism symposium
ReadProduced for the Centre for Cultural Value (UK)
Designing and producing a 2-day online conference to disseminate findings on the impact of COVID on the UK arts sector
ReadCommissioned by Orchestras Canada (CAN)
Supported by Ontario Trillium Foundation
Consultations with regional, youth & community orchestras on audience development, community engagement, embedded evaluation & ongoing strategic planning